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WWS Shoe Squad Volunteers

Join us on May 30, 2024

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Welcome Shoe Squad Members! 

We are thrilled that you have decided to join us as a Shoe Squad Volunteer for this year's Wine Women and Shoes. Our volunteers are an essential part of our team! You help our guests have a fabulous evening while raising funds for Children's Hospital.


It is now time to fundraise! Here are some tips and tricks for fundraising!

Each volunteer has a fundraising goal of $500! However, you can always reach higher.
1. Share your why to amplify your message!
2. Reach out to friends, family, coworkers and your community!
3. Always think outside the box and don't be afraid of people saying "no"! No is a code word for redirection!
4. Reshare stories from Children's Health Foundation's social media (@chfhope) to help educate and inform your prospective donors!
6. Have Fun! This a fun and rewarding experience! You are making a massive difference in the lives of our kids!

You are ready! Register as a Shoe Squad Volunteer and have fun fundraising!


Register Now!


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